
Take Back the Night March to hit Grande Prairie streets Wednesday night

Wednesday, Nov. 22nd, 2023

By Kassandra Patterson

Grande Prairie residents will raise awareness and stand against sexual violence in the community during the Take Back the Night March set for Wednesday night.

IMPACT and Prevention Manager Madison Clark says the walk is one way to educate those in the city about the different forms of sexual violence that can happen, with examples including assault, abuse, stalking, and harassment.

“Really, what we are trying to do with this event, and as an organization, is just round up our community, bringing awareness to everyone, bring the knowledge forward and have wrap-around supports to look out for everybody and not put the onus on the individual.”

She adds the Grande Prairie event, which is part of the international Take Back the Night event, will start with speeches at 5:00 p.m. before the march begins at 5:20 p.m. Clark says having everyone walk in unity, sharing the idea everyone should be able to walk alone at night and feel safe in their community.

“The walk downtown especially brings a lot of eyes to the message we are spreading,” Clark says. “What has been really touching to me in the past is seeing how many families come out, and how many people bring their children, and how many youth attend. Seeing everyone come together as a community to spread the same message and be passionate about the same thing.”

Doors to the Bowes at Bonnetts Energy Centre open at 4:30 p.m.


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